
Author: Autumn

Why breakfast is champion

Posted by Autumn

While it’s status as the most important meal of the day may be debatable, the morning meal solidly owns the trophy for "most awesomest" meal of the day. I’m talking about breakfast, people! Wake up and smell the toast—it’s burning!Breakfast is the undisputed champion of meals for a number of reasons: Breakfast is unprejudiced. Breakfast accepts savory and sweet at the same time, in the same dish even. Breakfast doesn’t care if you prefer ham, turkey, steak, fish, or tofu. Breakfast loves you [Read More...]

Tags: food

Low-tech letters

Posted by Autumn

When was the last time you wrote a letter? Not email, not an IM, not a Facebook wall post. I mean a real, tactile, pen-and-paper letter?The art of the personal letter used to be taught to young boys and girls in grammar school—now it’s about as common as making macramé hanging baskets for indoor plants.  Which is a real shame, because who doesn’t love getting a letter in the mail? And really, don’t you think the postman gets bored of delivering Valu-Paks and cable bills? I would.With those [Read More...]

Tags: craft friend paper craft recycle

A list well-lived

Posted by Autumn

I am a list-person. Lists at work, lists when I study, even lists of supplies when I craft. But I am most famous for my “Things to Get Done” weekend lists. Saturday mornings find me seated at the kitchen table scribbling such items as: Sweep the floors. Laundry. Take dress with broken strap to the tailors. Pay bills. Each of these little chores (and often there are 10 or more for the weekend) gives me a sense of purpose—a roadmap for a productive [Read More...]

Tags: inspiration lifestyle

Living Inspired: Interview with Anna Hrachovec

Posted by Autumn

What inspired you to start knitting? How did you learn? I first learned to knit when I was a high school exchange student in Japan. My host sister taught me because she had recently learned, and my first project was a purple fun-fur scarf. Then I picked it up as a more involved hobby when I was in college, and my boyfriend's mom (now my mother-in-law) encouraged me. She bought me lots of yarn, so I couldn't refuse! Do you have a favorite place to craft (studio, living room, on the subway, [Read More...]

Tags: craft crafts inspiration knitting toys

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